now.... there are several things that make people get nausea & there after end up puking their insides out.... i could mention a few:1. ingesting copious amounts of alcoholic beverages
2. ingesting copious amounts of shooters - yeahhhh - yum - tequila - yum yum
3. watching gay sex (or not - it really depends on you & your levels of homophobia)
4. bad breathed individuals - halitosis
5. pupu
6. some mnyamboz that yenyewe leave you wondering wot that person has been consuming - smells worse than a corpse - urgghhh
7. city mortuary
8. body builders - yeah those big ugly looking things with challenged penile environs - all muscle - everything is big stiff hard muscle - muscle i love dont get me wrong - only 2 muscles are necessary in a man - & of proportionate length height & width ofcourse - all that other yuky muscle need not be there...seriously....
9. foreskin - no offence - its just not my thing - it smells funny
10. self righteous peeps - heheh
11. eating food @ hooters... oh yeah - remember the day there was a roach in me fish ... dayuumm!!
12. the goooo you see on miraa chewing dudes - yeah that green gooo on the edges of the mouth... that shit is grosss.... not on all of them but most of them.... i mean... have you ever seen gooo on a goats mouth or even a cow? & they also eat grass continously... even in their sleep!! damnit!!!
well.... for me theres 2 things that make me get nausea to the point of vomit!
1. extacy(NOT THE DRUG!) - not butterflies - just some shit i feel in me tummy....extaticly nauseating - daayuummmm -
2. when something goes horribly wrong - i get this tight feeling in my gut & i can almost throw up - infact i sometime do.
i have nausea right now.
somebody guess which of the 2 is causing it.... give me a theory - hehehehe
let loose!