there are days when i wonder what is happening around me.... there are days i am part of what is happening around me.... there are days that are just days- insignificant yet significant -
there are days when i am soo blue that i almost cannot breathe - they say blue is a color.
not used to feelings of loss -not used to loosing things loosing people loosing my mind loosing -
not used to loss... are you? and if you are how does it feel?
when we both experience loss at the same instance - what happens?
who is supposed to save the other from themselves? who is supposed to hold you up when you are weak? crutches? who is supposed to comfort you who is supposed to lie to you and tell you it will be okay who is supposed to not lie to you and tell you it will not be okay?
michael-angelo was on my mind all day - and all night - i was overwhelmed by deep deep thoughts of michael-angelo - they almost consumed me -
my words my words my thoughts - it was soo cold
you didnt hear it you didnt see it you didnt care