Thursday, June 07, 2012

my passenger

This is a letter to my unborn.
maybe one day, one fine day you will get to read this.
A letter to my unborn zara.

You are almost at the end of your trip little one.
I can almost imagine you - all dimply, smiley, at times sulky
and at times stubborn, intelligent and witty, charming and beautiful.
i can feel you play in me tummy right now, kicking and turning and doing cartwheels 
a lovely sensation :)
i hope that is my energy & spirit you exhibit, and with that energy i hope you get your fathers center and focus to go with that.

you need a sense of humor like mommys and daddys - a hearty laugh will be something 
you will need in your lifetime.

i hope you get my curiosity and my urge to venture into "new" territories
but you need your fathers planning skills to keep things in order as you venture

we hope to teach you to question that which you do not understand 
but with that you will need your fathers discernment and with a big heart

i hope you share your fathers artistic mind and eye - with attention to detail

you are my baby, my child, my joy, my legacy, my world
i can only imagine holding you in my arms, playing with you, sitting on your fathers lap
we cannot wait to see you at the end of this trip little one.

most of all your father and i hope to teach you to be inquisitive, kind, hopeful, respectful,
how to love - to love yourself and others, how to handle turmoil because it will be there 
and how to be real and honest with yourself and others.

we await your arrival little passenger :)

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